                Online Demo / Manual -
Data Logging

Clickable Area Clickable Area

You can log the data from the Measuring Blocks screen to a .CSV file.   These files can be opened and analyzed with Excel or other spreadsheet applications.

Export RPM Only when checked will record only RPM from the first field and will not record other fields. Also, this will only record RPM values that are non-zero. This feature can be useful if you are logging to output the file to a spreadsheet or other third party software.

While the Log Dialog is open,  [Start], [Stop], and [Resume] can all be done with the same button. [Start] begins saving the data to a log file.

Clickable Area Clickable Area Clickable Area

[Stop] discontinues the saving of data to a log file

Clickable Area Clickable Area

[Resume] continues the saving of data to a log file.

The [Marker] function places a sequential number in the file when you click the Marker button. This can be helpful for data analysis.

The [Browse] button allows you to specify the location for your logs. By default, Log Files will be placed in the LOGS sub-folder in your PC�s VAG-COM directory.

By default, the name of the log file will be the controller number followed by the number for each group number that you are logging. The name can be changed to anything you'd like. If you re-use an existing filename, your new data will be appended to that file.

Switch to Basic Settings is not currently available while logging (but may be added later).  However, you can start a log while you're in Basic Settings.   If VAG-COM keeps insisting that it can't open a Log file, you're probably missing the LOGS folder and should re-install VAG-COM.

Example using Microsoft Excel:

1. Choose group or groups that you want to view.

2. Click [LOG] button

3. Use default file name if desired. It will append the old file if you use a particular name more than once.

4. Click [DONE] when you're finished logging data.

5. Open Microsoft Excel

6. Click File->Open (change filetype to all *.*) and select the log file that you made.

7. With mouse select the columns you want to graph.

8. Click the Chart Wizard button.

9. Select XY (Scatter) and click one of the formats that has lines.

10. The chart wizard will prompt you to name axes if you want.

You can also use the [VAG-Scope] plug-in for VAG-COM that allows you to replay LOG files. See the VAG-Scope page.


  • If you're going to use VAG-COM while you're driving, please use a second person!  
  • Let one drive while the other observes the data, making sure the person holding the PC is not in front of an active airbag! Obviously, do not break any laws, speeding or otherwise while using VAG-COM! 

Shareware Limitation(s): 

  • You can only view groups 001-025. Groups 000 and 026-255 are blocked.

  • The [Switch to Basic Settings] button is blocked.

                Online Demo / Manual -
Data Logging